
Připravte se na rok 2025!

s průvodcem připraveným přímo pro vás!

  • Stáhněte, vytiskněte a vyplňte ho
  • Sdílejte se svými přáteli a kolegy
  • Užijte si čas věnovaný pouze sami sobě

Připravte se na rok 2025!

s průvodcem připraveným přímo pro vás!

  • Stáhněte, vytiskněte a vyplňte ho
  • Sdílejte se svými přáteli a kolegy
  • Užijte si čas věnovaný pouze sami sobě

Víme, že většinu času to jste právě vy, kdo pečuje o ostatní.

Tento průvodce je ale vytvořený jako dárek pouze pro VÁS!

Stačí udělat následující:

  • Stáhněte si průvodce
  • Vytiskněte si ho
  • Najděte si tužku
  • Najděte si chvíli klidu
  • A pusťte se do čtení a psaní!

Stáhněte si průvodce a připravte se s ním na nadcházející rok 2024! 

Co vše dostanete?

  • PDF ke stažení a tisku
  • Cvičení zaměřená na duchovní přípravu pro rok 2025
  • Materiál, který můžete sdílet se svými blízkými
  • Mnoho krásných fotek Marie Montessori

Věděli jste, že tohoto průvodce můžete sdílet se svými přáteli? Stačí jim poslat odkaz na tuto stránku!

Jmenuji se Mirka,

Zakladatelka Montessori Institutu Praha & Montessori škol Andílek

jsem šťastnou matkou čtyř dětí a Montessori nadšenkyní každým coulem. Mým posláním je pomáhat dalším nadšencům šířit Montessori do celého světa.

Věřím, že pokud chceme změnit svět kousek po kousku, musíme začít uvnitř sama sebe. Pokud máme cítit a šířit lásku k ostatním, nejprve ji i musíme cítit sami k sobě.

Montessori Entrepreneurs Community

... is for you if you

  • ... want your Montessori business to succeed
  • ... want to make concrete and specific progress each month
  • ... want my help solving ongoing problems as you implement your Montessori project
  • ... want to have regular connection with like minded Montessorians sharing one vision
  • ... want to speed up your process and learn from others
  • ... want your Montessori business to succeed
  • ... want to make concrete and specific progress each month
  • ... want my help solving ongoing problems as you implement your Montessori project
  • ... want to have regular connection with like minded Montessorians sharing one vision
  • ... want to speed up your process and learn from others

Being a Montessori entrepreneur can feel isolating.

It can feel like you are burning your candle alone and there is nobody who knows how you feel, nobody to bounce your thoughts off of, nobody to fill your tank. Wondering how you can overcome this?

You don't have to do it alone! You can get the support you need!

I will support you on an ongoing basis and so will other Montessori entrepreneurs. In our community we will connect, learn together and encourage each other every week for the whole year!

It can be difficult to face the challenges of running a mission-driven project on your own and to look for solutions independently.

You have to make important decisions, solve numerous problems, and navigate uncertain paths. Doing all this solo can be a truly daunting task, with the fear of failure knocking on your door. Knock, knock... are you afraid you may fail?

You don't have to succumb to your fears! You can become a successful Montessori entrepreneur!

I will coach you to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals. In our community we will come together to share valuable knowledge and experience, we will provide each other with professional support and we will dedicate ourselves to the success of our individual ventures.

It can take sleepless nights and long hours to find the right know-how and resources to start and run a Montessori project.

Being a Montessori entrepreneur means constantly searching for the right tools, strategies, and ways to make progress. You need to reflect and evaluate. Even if you find a way forward, you may still wonder, 'Is this the right way of doing things? Will people trust me and want my service?'

You don't have to lose time and energy trying to reinvent the wheel. You can access knowhow and resources that already exist!

In the Montessori Entrepreneurs community we will form professional partnerships and we will share our knowhow to help each other succeed. By working together with me and Montessori Institute Prague, you will gain credibility, widen your reach and overcome obstacles.

Helping you and your business thrive!

Bad news #1

Being a Montessori entrepreneur can feel isolating.

It can feel like you are burning your candle alone and there is nobody who knows how you feel, nobody to bounce your thoughts off of, nobody to fill your tank. Wondering how you can overcome this?

Good news #1

You don't have to do it alone! You can get the support you need!

I will support you on an ongoing basis and so will other Montessori entrepreneurs. In our community we will connect, learn together and encourage each other every week for the whole year!

Bad news #2

It can be difficult to face the challenges of running a mission-driven project on your own and to look for solutions independently.

You have to make important decisions, solve numerous problems, and navigate uncertain paths. Doing all this solo can be a truly daunting task, with the fear of failure knocking on your door. Knock, knock... are you afraid you may fail?

Good news #2

You don't have to succumb to your fears! You can become a successful Montessori entrepreneur!

I will coach you to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals. In our community we will come together to share valuable knowledge and experience, we will provide each other with professional support and we will dedicate ourselves to the success of our individual ventures.

Bad news #3

It can take sleepless nights and long hours to find the right know-how and resources to start and run a Montessori project.

Being a Montessori entrepreneur means constantly searching for the right tools, strategies, and ways to make progress. You need to reflect and evaluate. Even if you find a way forward, you may still wonder, 'Is this the right way of doing things? Will people trust me and want my service?'

Good news #3

You don't have to lose time and energy trying to reinvent the wheel. You can access knowhow and resources that already exist!

In the Montessori Entrepreneurs community we will form professional partnerships and we will share our knowhow to help each other succeed. By working together with me and Montessori Institute Prague, you will gain credibility, widen your reach and overcome obstacles.