
About Our Erasmus Projects

Citizen of the World: guidelines on key competencies
building in Montessori Elementary classroom


Our aim of this project is to create a valuable digital free resource for teachers and school admins that gives guidelines how EU Key Competencies are incorporated into Montessori elementary education theoretically and practically.

  1. Foster partner collaboration and expertise in key competencies.
  2. Establish a network connecting schools with EU methodology centers.
  3. Develop 'Citizen of the World' guidelines, showcasing best practices in Montessori Elementary key competency building.


The project activities include:

  1. Three partner meetings over two years, ensuring effective project management and collaboration between schools and teacher training centres.
  2. Creating guidelines and digital resources using surveys, data analysis, community conversations, methodology workshops, and other methods.
  3. Hosting an online international conference on the Elementary Child as a Citizen of the World.

Project Coordinator: UAB Montessori akademija

Identifier: 2023-2-LT01-KA210-SCH-000184526

Duration:  January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2025

EC Contribution: €60,000

Partners: Montessori Institute Prague s.r.o. (CZ) , MONTE PLUS (SK) , Montessori
skoly Andilek - materska skola a zakladni skola, o.p.s (CZ) , Jolly

Project card: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2023-2-LT01-KA210-SCH-000184526 


Partners improved project management skills and created a vibrant Montessori elementary teachers and
administrators within the EU community. The project resulted in a digital platform offering guidelines for
Montessori Elementary programs in four languages, consist of:

  • Project Description
  • Detailed 150-page Guidelines Documents
  • Community Conversation Recordings
  • Surveys
  • Online Conference Content
  • Valuable Resources: Policies, lesson plans, assessment tools, etc.
  • Newsletters Archive

Learning Together: Parent Education Project

Our Why:

We believe in placing children at the center of education, following the authentic Montessori method. Our goal is to provide parents with digital tools and resources that enhance their child's learning experience. By collaborating with schools and authorities, we aim to improve educational processes in schools and at home. We want to build a community where parents can find up-to-date information, share insights, learn, and grow together. Through our activities such as webinars, online modules, and staff meetings, we strive to empower educators and parents with the knowledge and strategies to implement effective Montessori-based education. 

Type: KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education

Duration: 18 months

End of the project:

Status: Ongoing

Our How - Project Activities:

  • We will create videos in Norway with Carla Foster and Madlena Ulrich to provide digital tools and resources for parents to support their child's education.
  • Our whole team will team visit at the AMI Annual General Meeting and we will participate in workshops on parent education. 
  • We will gather information and expertise on how to better educate parents. 
  • And we will learn how to host parent educational events so that parents benefit greatly.


Understand Children Aged 6-12 Years

FREE VIDEO COURSE - one of the outcomes of the project
This online course consists of 10 videos and serves as an essential guide to the dynamic and imaginative world of the 6-12 child. Discover how imagination and logic play crucial roles during these years, and gain practical insights into fostering their growth.
FREE of charge

Building Stronger Bilingual Programs
in Elementary Schools

Four partners were awarded a three-year grant 2022-2025 in order to create resources to support educators working in schools with bilingual programs. We are from:

  • Montessori Institute Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Learning Ecologies, OÜ (Estonia)
  • Education for Life (Spain)
  • Montessori at Work (France)

Our How - Project Activities:

We feel it is important to take a whole school approach while responding to specific needs of different constituents:  Guides, Language Specialists, School Leaders and Parents. At the center of this project is the need to create channels of communication for those working in bi/multilingual schools, to share resources, and learn from each other. 

Working with a university professor specialized in second language acquisition we are conducting research to identify effective practices in bilingual Montessori classrooms. We have also invited external professionals such as AMI trainers and literacy specialists to advise us in developing the Project Results, outlined below.

Project Objectives:

  1. Design Process Field Guide
    The purpose of this Field Guide is to offer practical examples from a whole school perspective to assist you buidling a stronger bilingual program. This will be a freely available resource to support schools and professionals. We'll keep you posted on our progress.
  2. Training Courses
    We will create and deliver specialised training courses for Montessori Guides, Language Specialists and School Leaders working in Montessori schools with bilingual programmes. Join our network via our contact form below to be informed of opportunities and dates.
  3. Community
    We are building a support network for educators in bi/multilingual Montessori schools. In Janaury 2023 we will launch a "Community Conversation" series, continue to activate our social networks and share more resources here. Sign up for our newsletter in the contact form below and watch out for upcoming events.
  4. Events and conferences
    For 2023/24 we are organizing workshops and webinars for professionals and families involved in Bilingual Montessori education.We will host an international Bilingual Montessori conference in 2024.

Project Results: