

Heidi Philippart, AMI TRAINER
Blended onsite - online format
Enrollment closed

Join the waiting list for the upcoming AMI 0-3 Diploma Course!

We will get in touch as soon as we have more details about it.

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  • Accessible blended format
  • 4 modules over 2 years
  • 400 hours of intensive training


Become a qualified Montessori teacher for children aged 0-3 years. Receive globally recognized diploma from Association Montessori International (AMI) and set off on a life-changing journey. 

  • Blended format (onsite and online participation required)
  • Guidance of AMI trainer, Heidi Philippart
  • Certificate awarded by Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)
  • International students
  • Starting at 8 100€


AMI Montessori 0-3 Diploma Course focuses on the study of Montessori pedagogy and current medical and psychological approaches to child development from birth to three years. This hands-on Montessori training covers 4 main areas: 1. Theory and Psychology where Heidi talks about Child Development, Role of the Adult, Development of Movement, Early Language etc.; 2. Medical/Developmental area where we focus on Anatomy and Physiology, Obstertrics, Nutrition, Hygien and Child Neuropsychiatry; 3. Methodology by Subject with focus on Psycho-Sensory Theory and Demonstrations, Home Environment, Communities; and 4. Practicum + Observation where students go through Suprevised Practice & Observation and Student Teaching. You will use the principles of Montessori education to foster a hands-on, self-paced, collaborative, and joyful classroom at any school, anywhere in the world. 


Worldwide recognition
The AMI diploma is a respected representation of achievement in a teacher-training program of quality, integrity, and authenticity, and it is recognized worldwide. AMI training courses meet the standards, both in content and teaching staff, established
by AMI. 


Worldwide recognition
The AMI diploma is a respected representation
of achievement in a teacher-training program
of quality, integrity, and authenticity, and it is
recognized worldwide. AMI training courses meet
the standards, both in content and teaching staff,
established by AMI. 

Authentic legacy
Dr. Maria Montessori founded AMI in 1929 with an intention of furthering her work and it is the leading authority 

Authentic legacy
Dr. Maria Montessori founded AMI in 1929 with an intention of furthering her work and it is the leading authority on Montessori education. AMI diploma courses provide education of the highest quality, authenticity and integrity with Montessori's work. 

AMI Trainers
The course is always conducted by AMI trainers who have taken a very extensive and rigourous Training of Trainers Program and are dedicated, skilled pedagogues with unparalleled knowledge and understanding of Montessori principles and use. 

Career opportunities
You will be able to work in Montessori class anywhere in the world. Your options are, however, not limited to the classroom only as you can also work in a Montessori school administration, become a school founder/owner, AMI consultant or get enrolled in the Training of Trainers Program and set out on a path of becoming AMI trainer. Most students get a position in a Montessori school prior to their graduation. 

on Montessori education. AMI diploma courses provide education of the highest quality, authenticity and integrity with Montessori's work. 

AMI Trainers
The course is conducted by AMI trainers who have taken a very extensive and rigourous Training of Trainers Program and are dedicated, skilled pedagogues with unparalleled knowledge and understanding of Montessori principles and use. 

Career opportunities
You will be able to work in Montessori Elementary class anywhere in the world. Your options are, however, not limited to the classroom only as you can also work in a Montessori school administration, become a school founder/owner, AMI consultant or get enrolled in the Training of Trainers Program and set out on a path of becoming AMI trainer. Most students get a position in a Montessori school prior to their graduation. 


400 hours

of intensive training in the training center

140 hours

of practice with Montessori materials under supervision

250 hours

of observation of children from birth to three years

20 books

obligatory and recommended reading


  • 90% attendance in all course activities
  • 400 hours of classroom based training including lectures and supervised practice
  • 140 hours of supervised practice with Montessori materials
  • 250 hours of observation
  • Completion of Observation and Teaching Practice in Montessori setting
  • Timely submission of written assignments in acceptable quality
  • Completion of original reference albums and other coursework in acceptable quality
  • Passing of written and oral exams


Enrollment criteria and requirements:

  • Ability to pursue academic work
  • University or college degree
  • English proficiency at C1 or higher (both spoken and written)
  • Motivation and persistence to become a Montessori teacher
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to self-reflect
  • Being structured and orderly

Applicants without a degree can also apply and their applications will be considered individually. Students without a degree can be accepted to the course based on probation terms. Also, when translation of the course is available, we accept students without knowledge of English.


AMI 0-3 trainer Heidi Philippart M.A.(Edu), A.M.I.(Dip), resides and serves as the Pedagogical Director at the Montessori bilingual preschool "2Voices" in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

In her role as a pedagogue, she works directly with young children (0-4), guiding them towards independence, concentration, and self-discipline through a carefully prepared environment and curriculum that caters to their individual needs and interests.

As a Montessori trainer on the Assistant to Infancy level, she helps schools, teachers and enthusiastic students effectively implement the Montessori method and create learning environments that support the development of the whole child. 

She was first introduced to Montessori in the late 80’s early 90’s, while working under the guidance of Patty Wallner (AMI Assistant to Infancy trainer) and Silvana Montanaro (founder of the AMI Assistant to Infancy program). Heidi trained in Denver with Judi Orion on the Assistant to Infancy level and has worked extensively with the 0-3 program.



Fill out the Application Form and pay 300€ / 7 500 Kč application fee.

Once you fill it out and pay, we will get in touch with you within 5 working days.


Prepare the following documents:

  • Portrait Photo
  • One page motivational essay answering the question ‘Why do you want to take the AMI 0-3 Diploma Course?’
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Proof of highest acquired education
  • Two professional reference letters
  • Criminal record check (copy, the original can be submitted on the first day of the course)
  • Read the payment options, pick one and sign the document

Documents requiring your signature must be signed, scanned and emailed in a pdf format to miroslava.vlckova@amiprague.cz.


Online Application Interview

Once all the documents above are submitted and reviewed, we will schedule an online application interview to talk about the course, answer your questions and ensure you understand the course requirements.


Results of the Application Process

We will contact you regarding the results of your Application Process. Good luck!

Are you considering this Diploma Course but still are not 100% sure that it is the right fit for you?

Are you on the fence about taking the decision on joining the world of Montessori education? We understand that embarking on a new journey can be both exciting and challenging, and that's why we invite you to take a sneak peek under the lid of our program.
FREE of charge

Is a Diploma Course too big a step for you at the moment?
How about starting small with a 0-3 Orientation Course?


Starting September 8, 2023
Learn about Montessori education for infancy in our introductory course designed for educators. Discover the principles and practices of the Montessori method, the role of the adult and materials, and support for infant development. Get a deeper understanding of the Montessori philosophy and its relevance to contemporary education. Start your Montessori journey today!
Price from 750€


Feel free to contact us!

Is a Diploma Course too big a step for you at the moment?
How about starting small with a 0-3 Orientation Course?

The program is created and designed for Montessori assistants in 0-3 classes who wish to deepen their knowledge and develop their Montessori Nido or Infant Community practice.
Price: 797€