Françoise Sansoni
Françoise's specialization:
Love for the adolescent
Bilingual educator raised in the UK
Workshop facilitation
Holistic approach
Françoise Sansoni was born and raised bilingually and biculturally in the United Kingdom and moved to France at the end of her adolescence, and then to the USA in 1996 as a young mother of two. She has been involved in Montessori education for about 25 years.
Françoise began her Montessori training journey with an AMI Diploma at the Primary level, and deepened her understanding of pedagogy and practice by working with young children for several years before deciding to dive into adolescent work.
Once she had completed 12-18 training and consolidated her practice by working with Adolescent Communities and lecturing, she embarked on the 12-18 Training of Trainers programme from its inception.
Françoie is now an Auxiliary Trainer with AMI diplomas at the Assistants to Infancy, Primary and 12-18 levels, who offers lectures, workshops and certificate courses in both French and English.