Enrollment CLOSED

Enroll by April 2, 2024!

Start and grow your Montessori business to success!

with Montessori Entrepreneurs Community MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM

Registrations for the program are now closed.

Join the waiting list for the next opening!

Start and grow your Montessori business to success!

with Montessori Entrepreneurs Community

Registrations for the program are now closed.


Join the waiting list for the next opening!

Start and grow your Montessori business to success!

with Montessori Entrepreneurs Community MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM

  • Get support from me and other experienced Montessori Entrepreneurs!
  • Grow your Montessori project to success!
  • Access quickly abundance of resources and knowledge!

with Montessori Entrepreneurs Community


  • Get support from me and other experienced Montessori Entrepreneurs!
  • Grow your Montessori project to success!
  • Access quickly abundance of resources and knowledge!

Montessori Entrepreneurs Community

... is for you if you

  • ... want your Montessori business to succeed
  • ... want to make concrete and specific progress each month
  • ... want my help solving ongoing problems as you implement your Montessori project
  • ... want to have regular connection with like minded Montessorians sharing one vision
  • ... want to speed up your process and learn from others
  • ... want your Montessori business to succeed
  • ... want to make concrete and specific progress each month
  • ... want my help solving ongoing problems as you implement your Montessori project
  • ... want to have regular connection with like minded Montessorians sharing one vision
  • ... want to speed up your process and learn from others

How will we "start and grow your Montessori business to success"?

  • Each month we will focus on one topic and meet on Zoom every Wednesday to work on it.
  • Each month you will make concrete progress and implement concrete new steps in your Montessori project. 
  • You, as a group, will decide by voting which topic you want to learn about and work on each month. 
  • Each month there will be a concrete outcome which you will work on and process with my help. 

There will be one live Zoom call 4 times a month, always on Wednesday, 4 - 6 p.m. CEST. 

Join us from April 3, 2024!

Workflow of every month:

Week 1
Learn & Do
Lecture on the core content of the month
Task of the month
Live Zoom meeting
Week 2
group work
Co-working in breakouts to discuss and help each other
Member introductions
Live Zoom meeting
Week 3
Be Inspired
by your colleagues
Presentations of our own projects
We share our knowhow and experience
Live Zoom meeting
Week 4
with questions & answers
Questions & Answers with Mirka
Choosing the next topic
Live Zoom meeting

 Helping Montessori Entrepreneurs Thrive!

Whether you are brand new to Montessori entrepreneurship,
or experienced professional, you are invited.

Community is more important than ever for growing the Montessori industry!

My name is Mirka,

CEO of Montessori Institute Prague & founder of Montessori Schools Andilek

I am a happy mother of four and a successful Montessori entrepreneur.

My calling is to help you, enthusiastic people, bring Montessori to your children and your communities. I do that by creating spaces where people learn from each other, share with each other and grow together. 

One of these spaces is Montessori Institute Prague, where you can get Montessori teacher training. Another of these spaces are our wonderful Montessori Schools Andílek - Infant Community, Casa, Lower Elementary and Adolescent Farm Work and Study program, where children and students from 1 - 15 years of age can learn and grow together with their parents. 

The newest addition, the space for growth which I completely fell for, is this global online community of Montessori Entrepreneurs, which you are about to join. 

I believe in authenticity (both personal and that of Montessori practice), in community and lifelong learning, in innovation and in abundance for all of humanity. 

What will you gain?

Montessori Entrepreneurs Community Membership will help you develop and grow your Montessori non-profit or business and become a successful Montessori entrepreneur.

  • 10 months of working together as a community
  • 4 live monthly Zoom meetings
    Every Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m. CEST (GMT+2)
  • Topic of the month that you will choose
  • Guest speakers to share experience with you
  • My guidance and support on your journey to success
  • Connection with colleagues all over the world
  • Support materials each month
  • Concrete outcomes of your work every month
  • Access to private Members Section
    where you can find all recordings, resources to download and more

Did you know that people learn best in a community?

  • Social Interaction
  • Diversity of Perspectives
  • Peer Support
  • Motivation and Accountability
  • Feedback and Reflection

Choose payment:

Come for the first  two sessions on January 24 & 31 for a symbolic €1 and see what is this program and community like!
We have two available plans for you below:

Monthly membership
in monthly payments
Not sure if you want to dedicate for the full program? Not a problem! We have a monthly plan for you.
✔ 4 sessions a month
✔ Access to Member's Section
✔ Continuous support
✔ Regular payment of 47€ per month, starting from April 2024
✔ Cancel anytime
✔ Enjoy the flexibility with a monthly plan

Registrations for the program are now closed.

Join the waiting list for the next opening!

We have just closed the enrollment into this program. In case you would still be interested in joining, put your email below and we will get back to you shortly.

10 months

40 sessions

1 Mirka

1 community

What Are We Like?

We are generous

with each other. We share our learnings freely and improve through supporting each other. When one of us grows, we all grow.

We are authentic

courageous and bold. We know that our connection and honest conversations create a community and that is the future of Montessori.

We experiment

This makes us better positioned to adapt to changing educational trends. We are ahead of the curve, meeting our market needs.

We succeed

in what we do. We have the needed support from others and thrive together. Success shared brings more success for others.

We are generous

with each other. We share our learnings freely and improve through supporting each other. When one of us grows, we all grow.

We experiment

This makes us better positioned to adapt to changing educational trends. We are ahead of the curve, meeting our market needs.

We are authentic

courageous and bold. We know that our connection and honest conversations create a community and that is the future of Montessori.

We succeed

in what we do. We have the needed support from others and thrive together. Success shared brings more success for others.

How did Mirka help others?

Understanding that I was not alone and that my dreams were possible was the first step. Projecting how to achieve them was the following. But the most important thing was to discover that together we can achieve great things, and that cooperation and innovation is the path we must follow so that Montessori reaches every corner of the world. Thanks for everything!
Larisa SantimariaHigh School principal, Escuela del Alba (Argentina)
Attending Mirka's workshop on following your Montessori dream was an absolute game-changer for me. What struck me most was Mirka's genuine passion for nurturing each individual's unique vision. She encouraged us to embrace creativity, adaptability, and a strong sense of purpose. Her workshop not only equipped us with practical strategies but also instilled a sense of confidence and conviction in pursuing our Montessori dreams.
Ciprian RaduFounder of Aerolit, Romania
I am very happy and blessed to meet Mirka and her team in MIP. Since my first meeting with her back in 2020, Mirka and her team have continuously and consistently cared about my need for help and guidance on how I could achieve my Montessori Dream. They are always ready to lend their ears and passionately work to create various programs for school owners/ leaders like me. Thank you Mirka!
Dirra Anggrawulan SoewondhoFounder and Principal of Sekolah Montessori Taman Tumbuh, Jakarta, Indonesia

Helping you and your business thrive!


With us

Being a Montessori entrepreneur can feel isolating.

It can feel like you are burning your candle alone and there is nobody who knows how you feel, nobody to bounce your thoughts off of, nobody to fill your tank. Wondering how you can overcome this?

You don't have to do it alone! You can get the support you need!

I will support you on an ongoing basis and so will other Montessori entrepreneurs. In our community we will connect, learn together and encourage each other every week for the whole year!

It can be difficult to face the challenges of running a mission-driven project on your own and to look for solutions independently.

You have to make important decisions, solve numerous problems, and navigate uncertain paths. Doing all this solo can be a truly daunting task, with the fear of failure knocking on your door. Knock, knock... are you afraid you may fail?

You don't have to succumb to your fears! You can become a successful Montessori entrepreneur!

I will coach you to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals. In our community we will come together to share valuable knowledge and experience, we will provide each other with professional support and we will dedicate ourselves to the success of our individual ventures.

It can take sleepless nights and long hours to find the right know-how and resources to start and run a Montessori project.

Being a Montessori entrepreneur means constantly searching for the right tools, strategies, and ways to make progress. You need to reflect and evaluate. Even if you find a way forward, you may still wonder, 'Is this the right way of doing things? Will people trust me and want my service?'

You don't have to lose time and energy trying to reinvent the wheel. You can access knowhow and resources that already exist!

In the Montessori Entrepreneurs community we will form professional partnerships and we will share our knowhow to help each other succeed. By working together with me and Montessori Institute Prague, you will gain credibility, widen your reach and overcome obstacles.

Helping you and your business thrive!

Bad news #1

Being a Montessori entrepreneur can feel isolating.

It can feel like you are burning your candle alone and there is nobody who knows how you feel, nobody to bounce your thoughts off of, nobody to fill your tank. Wondering how you can overcome this?

Good news #1

You don't have to do it alone! You can get the support you need!

I will support you on an ongoing basis and so will other Montessori entrepreneurs. In our community we will connect, learn together and encourage each other every week for the whole year!

Bad news #2

It can be difficult to face the challenges of running a mission-driven project on your own and to look for solutions independently.

You have to make important decisions, solve numerous problems, and navigate uncertain paths. Doing all this solo can be a truly daunting task, with the fear of failure knocking on your door. Knock, knock... are you afraid you may fail?

Good news #2

You don't have to succumb to your fears! You can become a successful Montessori entrepreneur!

I will coach you to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals. In our community we will come together to share valuable knowledge and experience, we will provide each other with professional support and we will dedicate ourselves to the success of our individual ventures.

Bad news #3

It can take sleepless nights and long hours to find the right know-how and resources to start and run a Montessori project.

Being a Montessori entrepreneur means constantly searching for the right tools, strategies, and ways to make progress. You need to reflect and evaluate. Even if you find a way forward, you may still wonder, 'Is this the right way of doing things? Will people trust me and want my service?'

Good news #3

You don't have to lose time and energy trying to reinvent the wheel. You can access knowhow and resources that already exist!

In the Montessori Entrepreneurs community we will form professional partnerships and we will share our knowhow to help each other succeed. By working together with me and Montessori Institute Prague, you will gain credibility, widen your reach and overcome obstacles.
Monthly membership
in monthly payments
Join our community with a more flexible plan.

Meet the Team


Program founder


Co-coach of the program


Co-coach of the program

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will this take each week?

All work can be done at your own time. However, you will most benefit from the program if you come to all live sessions. Each session is approx. 2h long and takes place on Wednesday.

What if I do not have time to do the work of the month?

No problem. All sessions will be recorded. You will be able to watch the recordings at your own time. The QA session is at the end of the month, so you will have the whole month to compile questions and get them answered at the end of the month.

Can I bring my own topics to the community? Maybe I will need other kinds of advice and support, outside of the topic of the month.

At any point of time you can ask anything in the group and get input and advice from your colleagues.

If you feel you still need more information, you can write to me via the form below. I will be very happy to hear from you!