Carla Foster an AMI Elementary Trainer since 2011, comes from California, andresiding in Norway since 1995. She holds AMI diplomas for 3-6 and 6-12 levels and has worked with children aged 3-12 in various Montessori schools. 

Meet Carla Foster !

Carla is an AMI Elementary Trainer since 2011, comes from California, andresiding in Norway since 1995. She holds AMI diplomas for 3-6 and 6-12 levels and has worked with children aged 3-12 in various Montessori schools. 

Carla's specialization:

Understanding the 6-12 child

Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Teaching

Curriculum Design

Creative Art Integration

Recently, Carla has been working on the creation committee for the New AMI timelines of human beings and the chart of the Family Tree of Hominins, and has a unique insight into the whys and hows of what was chosen to represent our earliest history as a species.

Carla Foster is an AMI Elementary Trainer originally from California but has been living in Norway since 1995. Carla has AMI 3-6 and 6-12 diplomas from MMI in London and the Montessori Institute of Milwaukee. She has worked with children at levels 3-6, 6-9, and 9-12, working in both private and public Montessori schools. She has been an elementary trainer since 2011.

Who is Carla?

Carla Foster is an AMI Elementary Trainer originally from California but has been living in Norway since 1995. Carla has AMI 3-6 and 6-12 diplomas from MMI in London and the Montessori Institute of Milwaukee. She has worked with children at levels 3-6, 6-9, and 9-12, working in both private and public Montessori schools. She has been an elementary trainer since 2011.

Recently, Carla has been working on the creation committee for the New AMI timelines of human beings and the chart of the Family Tree of Hominins, and has a unique insight into the whys and hows of what was chosen to represent our earliest history as a species.

Where can you meet with Carla?

AMI 6-12 Diploma Course

You can sign up on the waiting list below
Study at Montessori Institute Prague and become a qualified Montessori teacher for children aged 6-12 years. Receive globally recognized certificate from Association Montessori International (AMI) and set off on a life-changing journey. 
Your essential guide to the dynamic and imaginative world of the 6-12 child. Discover how imagination and logic play crucial roles during these years, and gain practical insights into fostering their growth.

The First Timeline of Humans

You can sign up for waiting list below
AMI Refresher Course for 6-12 Guides. This course is suitable for AMI trained 6-12 Montessori guides as further education on how to work with First Timeline of Human Beings and the Chart of Hominins in the classroom. Lead by AMI trainer Carla Foster, facilitated by AMI trainer Kyla Morenz.

What do Carla's students say?

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful resource and your experiences with us. It was a privilege to listen to Carla. Wonderful work. Deeply touched.
I love hearing the story from Carla from how it would be presented to children. It gives me a sense of awe which I hope will translate to children whom I present the stories to.
Dear Carla! Thank you unspeakably much for the inspiration you give these two days. About being able to travel with you through the development of humanity. Fantastic examples, energetic music and cognitive texts. And thank you for the opportunity and time that was given to work - practical and complementary material for the school came with colleagues.
Thank you Carla for the enlightening information on the first Timeline of Human beings. The work, the information and the illustrations are so captivating and interesting. I can just imagine the effect it will have on the children in the classrooms.

Related resources

Carla Foster has been the AMI Director of Diploma Course at the University College, Høgskolen i Vestfold og Buskerud, in Norway. Kyla Morenz is an AMI Elementary Trainer from Toronto, Canada. They both currently train in Montessori Institute Prague and you can see them at an AMI 6-12 Diploma Course (starting in April, 2024) or AMI 6-12 Orientation Certificate Course (starting in March, 2024).