

Why Montessori Education for the Adolescents Matters

Jenny M. Höglund, AMI trainer
November 18, 2023; 4:00-5:30 p.m. CET

What is the webinar about?

Today's schools are ill-adapted to both our current times and the needs of adolescents. Montessori offers an educational plan for adolescents that not only helps them realize their own value but also prepares them for adult life.

What experiences will support adolescents in this direction? In what environment can this happen? What approach is required? These are some of the questions that this webinar will assist us in thinking about and potentially finding answers to.

"The need for a reform of secondary schools is keenly felt, addressing not only an educational issue but also a social and human problem."

Maria Montessori

This webinar is now over. You can, however, join the AMI Orientation Course for 6-12 with Allan and learn much more!

Take advantage of the unique opportunity to learn about the prepared environment for 6-12!

AMI 6-12 Orientation Course

Starting November 3, 2023
The program is created and designed for Montessori assistants in 6-12 classes who wish to deepen their knowledge and develop their Elementary practice.

Register for the webinar now!

Take advantage of the unique opportunity to learn about the adolescents and Montessori!

Jenny Marie Höglund is an AMI trainer for 6-12 and 12-18. She is AMI 3-6, 6-12 and 12-18 trained. In 1995 she founded a Montessori school in Swedish Sätile: Montessoriskolan Lära för livet, for children 1 - 16 years old.

Jenny has been a Montessori guide for more than 24 years. Her school and farm is the only location in Europe where you can train in the AMI Montessori Orientation to Adolescent Studies.