
montessori institute prague

Tag archive montessori institute prague
6.4. 2023

🎙️Podcast: The story of Lilian Bryan, a single mother of 5 children, who became an AMI Trainer

In 1968 Lilian Bryan was commissioned by Mario Montessori, son of Maria Montessori, to establish the Montessori Institute Atlanta, an AMI teacher training center. There Lilian directed AMI Primary(3-6)  teacher training courses for 43 years. The training center under her leadership became internationally acclaimed and very successful. Lilian Bryan’s many years of Montessori work have...

29.3. 2023

Fearless Culture in Montessori Organizations

There is an elephant in the room but nobody wants to talk about it. Do you know the feeling? There are two types of cultures in our Montessori organizations: fearful and fearless. Which one is yours? Research shows that fear is one of the most pervasive feelings at work. And I have seen that our Montessori organizations...

19.9. 2022

Erasmus Bilingual Montessori Project Newsletter no. 2

Greetings to all of you from the Bilingual Montessori project team!  As we are entering a new school year, we are happy to share news about the progress of our project work during the last couple of months.  If you missed our first newsletter, here is a quick summary of what the Bilingual Montessori project is all...