Sue Pritzker

Tag archive Sue Pritzker
17.10. 2024

Talks with Mirka: October Challenges for Montessori School Leaders

As the middle of October settles in, leaders of Montessori Programs and Schools around the world face unique challenges that shape the remainder of their school year. Watch our latest episode of “Talks with Mirka” below, this time featuring Sue Pritzker, trainer of AMI Administrators Course. School has been in session for about a month. New beginnings...

6.3. 2024

Explore the AMI Administrators Certificate Course in 2024

Are you eager to expand your knowledge and expertise in Montessori education as a leader or school administrator? Look no further than the upcoming AMI Administrators Certificate Course in 2024! The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) is renowned for its commitment to providing the highest-quality Montessori education. One means of supporting this mission is the AMI Administrators...