Podcast & Blog

  • Personal letters to the community
    by Mirka
  • Podcast series
    listen to interviews with inspiring people
  • News from Montessori Institute Prague

Podcast & Blog

  • Personal letters to the community
    by Mirka
  • Podcast series
    listen to interviews with inspiring people
  • News from Montessori Institute Prague
23.5. 2024

The “Dirty M…” Word

I must say that all of April and May have been months full of travelling for me. I have just returned from Córdoba, Spain, from work on Bilingual Montessori Erasmus project and now I am packing again for two weeks in Amsterdam where I am joining the experts invited by AMI to work on Global School Accreditation (GSA)...

22.4. 2024

Mirka & Team in Norway: What did We Learn?

Hey friends! I have a question for you: What is your big vision? I mean, if you could make a list of all the things you would like to do before your time on this planet is over, what would be on it? I asked myself the same question the other day as we were working on our visions...

15.3. 2024

Building Bridges: How to Find a Job or a Teacher

Montessori schools struggle to find trained Montessori teachers or candidates to sponsor for studies. On the other hand, Montessori-trained teachers struggle to find good quality Montessori schools willing to employ them, and individuals seeking Montessori education often can’t find schools that offer sponsorship. As the founder of an AMI (Association Montessori Internationale) Montessori teacher training...

8.3. 2024

ENG/CZE🎙️Podcast: Kristyna Turkova and why is she so important for Montessori in Czechia? // Kristýna Turková a proč je tak důležitá pro české montessori?

ENG: Today’s episode will be in Czech with a trainer in training, Kristyna Turkova. You can watch the episode with English subtitles in the video below!———— CZE: Dnešní epizodu máme v češtině, a to díky tomu, že je s Kristýnou Turkovou, která je na cestě k tomu, aby se stala první českou AMI trenérkou! Kvalita montessori v Čechách je různá, a to je...

6.3. 2024

Explore the AMI Administrators Certificate Course in 2024

Are you eager to expand your knowledge and expertise in Montessori education as a leader or school administrator? Look no further than the upcoming AMI Administrators Certificate Course in 2024! The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) is renowned for its commitment to providing the highest-quality Montessori education. One means of supporting this mission is the AMI Administrators...

28.2. 2024

Deciding about the Right Montessori Education for Yourself?

As you navigate your Montessori education journey, you may find yourself pondering various questions: What age group do I want to work with? Do I want to teach or be a classroom assistant? Where can I receive quality Montessori education – through AMI, AMS, or some national Montessori education provider? A Google search for “Montessori teacher training” presents several options, including...

14.2. 2024

“Why Is Montessori Bad?”

Did you ever think to ask yourself this question? I bet you didn’t! I didn’t think so either until today when I started creating a survey about the quality of Montessori in schools, planning to ask you about your experience. When one is creating a survey, one should be objective and approach the topic without preconceptions. My preconceived notion is...

25.1. 2024

My Vision: Montessori as a Global Learning Organization

I’ve been working in Montessori for 15 years. I’ve started by organizing “Mommy and Me” Montessori classes. I founded and developed a fully authentic AMI Montessori school for children 15 months to 15 years old. I have started and grown a successful AMI training center in Prague.  I’ve been observing the global Montessori movement for all these years, facing many...

24.11. 2023

🎙️Podcast: Success Story of Montessori Adolescent Farm Program

Are you thinking about opening an adolescent program? As Darina says, “there is not one ideal blueprint on how to do that”. You will have to find your own way. However, Montessori Perlička in Brno, Czech Republic, is a shining example of successful implementation of Maria Montessori’s vision for adolescent education.  She sits in a classroom, connected to our...

9.11. 2023

How I let go of my adolescent child

This is a story of how I let go of my son and why I would do it again even if I could go back in time… In my memories, I see my beautiful baby boy when he was born. And then – just in a blink of an eye – I am looking at an 18-year-old young adult whom he’s become; we’ve...