Difficult Behavior in the Classroom – Online workshop with Amy Williams

”All bad behavior is really a request for love, attention, or validation.”

Kimberly Giles, Choosing Clarity: The Path to Fearlessness

We have just launched the online workshop led by Amy Williams. It was devoted to the work with difficult behaviors in the classrooms, and it was aimed at assisting adults in their work with the children. We are so happy that many of you got interested in this event, and joined us live. Some of you decided to go for the recordings, and we hope that you get a lot of value from the content Amy has shared.

Today we received a letter from one of our participants, and we would love to share it with you in this blog post.

I decided to join in order to hear something new and extraordinary. I joined the ZOOM meeting and saw the smiling face of Amy Williams, together with 110 other smiling faces deep-diving into the topic with so many small steps and simple solutions.

Word after word, Amy described four typical difficult behavior styles, how to recognize them and how to understand that children change their attitude often. It was just an A-ha moment for me.

Sometimes, as teachers and parents, we do not realize that the children in front of us evolve, grow, change, develop, and flourish. 

What made a good impression was that Amy had prepared a list of helpful tools for the participants to be able to systematically take notes and use them afterward.

During the two breaks, we had smooth music as a transition, not just black and empty ZOOM squares with written names. 

The first part was about connecting with the child during neutral times. It was explicitly explained that we need to connect with the child not only when he/she reacts in a different way, to a difficult situation, but whenever we can, and to do it in a positive way, to establish a connection, to start playing the important role of the one to be trusted. 

Amy gave a lot of real-life examples and, last but not least, she pointed out how important it is to be curious about the inner reality of the child.

Overall, my impression of this workshop was positive, beneficial, worth being there, and makes me look forward to the next one.

We are grateful for each and every word in this letter, and for every person in our online lecture room. We will be working further to create new events with practical content, to assist you in your everyday work.

In case you missed the workshop but would like to watch the recordings, it is possible to get them on our website.