AMI trainer

Tag archive AMI trainer
5.12. 2024

Studying AMI Diploma Course – What to Expect?

Embarking on a journey to become a Montessori guide is far more than an educational endeavor—it’s a deeply personal transformation. Madlena Ulrich, AMI 3-6 Trainer, shared during a recent episode of “Talks with Mirka” how the process touches every aspect of who we are, from self-discipline to creativity, and even humor. One of the first and perhaps most surprising steps...

31.10. 2024

Montessori Observation and Record keeping

Watch/read my conversation with Madlena and understand the importance of knowing why we observe and why we keep records of our observations in the Montessori classroom. There are things we absolutely need to know and things that are less critical.

17.10. 2024

Talks with Mirka: October Challenges for Montessori School Leaders

As the middle of October settles in, leaders of Montessori Programs and Schools around the world face unique challenges that shape the remainder of their school year. Watch our latest episode of “Talks with Mirka” below, this time featuring Sue Pritzker, trainer of AMI Administrators Course. School has been in session for about a month. New beginnings...

18.4. 2023

🎙️Podcast: The story of Carla Foster and Kyla Morenz and their passion for Montessori and love of humor

Carla Foster has been the AMI Director of Diploma Course at the University College, Høgskolen i Vestfold og Buskerud, in Norway. Kyla Morenz is an AMI Elementary Trainer from Toronto, Canada. They both currently train in Montessori Institute Prague and you can see them at an AMI 6-12 Diploma Course (starting in April, 2024) or AMI...

6.4. 2023

🎙️Podcast: The story of Lilian Bryan, a single mother of 5 children, who became an AMI Trainer

In 1968 Lilian Bryan was commissioned by Mario Montessori, son of Maria Montessori, to establish the Montessori Institute Atlanta, an AMI teacher training center. There Lilian directed AMI Primary(3-6)  teacher training courses for 43 years. The training center under her leadership became internationally acclaimed and very successful. Lilian Bryan’s many years of Montessori work have...

1.3. 2023

🎙️Podcast: The Story of Jenny Hoglund and her work with adolescents and adolescent workers

Jenny Hoglund is an AMI 12-18 and 6-12 Trainer. When she does not travel all over the world directing AMI courses, she lives in Sweden. Jenny founded Varberg Montessori School which serves children from 15 months to 15 years of age. And she founded and runs The Montessori Centre for Work and Study Lara for...

15.2. 2023

🎙️Podcast: The Story of Elina Rautasalo and what it is like to become an AMI Trainer

Elina Rautasalo is an AMI 3-6 Montessori Teacher Trainer. Currently living in Prague, Elina is a part of the Montessori Institute Prague training team. She also directs 3-6 Diploma Courses in other countries. Apart from her training work, Elina travels around the world as a speaker and a consultant. Enjoy the story of a young woman who moved from...