
Tag archive newsletter
23.5. 2024

The “Dirty M…” Word

I must say that all of April and May have been months full of travelling for me. I have just returned from Córdoba, Spain, from work on Bilingual Montessori Erasmus project and now I am packing again for two weeks in Amsterdam where I am joining the experts invited by AMI to work on Global School Accreditation (GSA)...

14.2. 2024

“Why Is Montessori Bad?”

Did you ever think to ask yourself this question? I bet you didn’t! I didn’t think so either until today when I started creating a survey about the quality of Montessori in schools, planning to ask you about your experience. When one is creating a survey, one should be objective and approach the topic without preconceptions. My preconceived notion is...

11.4. 2023

✉️Newsletter: Today we celebrate life and hope!

Dear Montessori colleagues around the world, hello! Did you see our new yellow and blue wizard image? Plamena and I think it is hilarious, the two of us with grant writing wizard hats 😂.. And I sincerely hope you laughed when you saw it. We are feeling like having a bit of fun in our Montessori Institute Prague life....

17.2. 2023

✉️Newsletter: What do you think about my “52 books this year” challenge?

Message to the community from Mirka: Dear Montessori colleagues and friends around the world, hello! Has it ever happened to you that you wanted to do something for a long time, but you never got around to doing it? And then one day you made a decision, and suddenly things started happening like little miracles, confirming to you that your decision...

1.1. 2023

✉️Newsletter: Make your Montessori dream come true in 2023!

Dear Montessori friends and colleagues around the world, I just came back from our farm. I am sitting in front of my computer, thinking about you and about something nice and encouraging to say to you at the start of the year.🤗 At the farm, I took a small walk around the property, thinking about the past year...