🎙️Podcast: The story of Carla Foster and Kyla Morenz and their passion for Montessori and love of humor

Carla Foster has been the AMI Director of Diploma Course at the University College, Høgskolen i Vestfold og Buskerud, in Norway. Kyla Morenz is an AMI Elementary Trainer from Toronto, Canada. They both currently train in Montessori Institute Prague and you can see them at an AMI 6-12 Diploma Course (starting in April, 2024) or AMI 6-12 Orientation Certificate Course (starting in March, 2024).

Carla is originally from California but has lived in Norway since 1995, where she had a 6-9 class for 12 years and consults for schools in Norway. She has also taught ballet, modern dance, African dance, and Irish dance for many years and has given workshops on writing and bringing drama, music, and dance into the elementary classroom.

Kyla has taught in 6-9, 9-12, and 6-12 environments in Canada and Morocco. She has extensive experience with work in multilingual environments and she is currently part of the expert team in the Bilingual Montessori Erasmus project run by MIP.

Outside of being amazing trainers, Carla and Kyla share an amazing sense of humor and passion to support young adults in becoming Montessori guides. 

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