mirka vlckova

Tag archive mirka vlckova
25.1. 2024

My Vision: Montessori as a Global Learning Organization

I’ve been working in Montessori for 15 years. I’ve started by organizing “Mommy and Me” Montessori classes. I founded and developed a fully authentic AMI Montessori school for children 15 months to 15 years old. I have started and grown a successful AMI training center in Prague.  I’ve been observing the global Montessori movement for all these years, facing many...

26.4. 2023

🎙️Podcast: “Where Is Emina?” The story of a unique borderless partnership to support underprivileged children

Emina Šakovic is a psychologist and the Founder of Montessori Educational Center Jedinstvena Generacija. She lives and works in Sarajevo in Bosnia.  Nina Rotello is the Founder of Montessori Origins. She lives and works in the United States. She is originally from Bosnia.  Emina and Nina share a mission. They believe that all children of the world have...

18.4. 2023

🎙️Podcast: The story of Carla Foster and Kyla Morenz and their passion for Montessori and love of humor

Carla Foster has been the AMI Director of Diploma Course at the University College, Høgskolen i Vestfold og Buskerud, in Norway. Kyla Morenz is an AMI Elementary Trainer from Toronto, Canada. They both currently train in Montessori Institute Prague and you can see them at an AMI 6-12 Diploma Course (starting in April, 2024) or AMI...

11.4. 2023

✉️Newsletter: Today we celebrate life and hope!

Dear Montessori colleagues around the world, hello! Did you see our new yellow and blue wizard image? Plamena and I think it is hilarious, the two of us with grant writing wizard hats 😂.. And I sincerely hope you laughed when you saw it. We are feeling like having a bit of fun in our Montessori Institute Prague life....

6.4. 2023

🎙️Podcast: The story of Lilian Bryan, a single mother of 5 children, who became an AMI Trainer

In 1968 Lilian Bryan was commissioned by Mario Montessori, son of Maria Montessori, to establish the Montessori Institute Atlanta, an AMI teacher training center. There Lilian directed AMI Primary(3-6)  teacher training courses for 43 years. The training center under her leadership became internationally acclaimed and very successful. Lilian Bryan’s many years of Montessori work have...

1.1. 2023

✉️Newsletter: Make your Montessori dream come true in 2023!

Dear Montessori friends and colleagues around the world, I just came back from our farm. I am sitting in front of my computer, thinking about you and about something nice and encouraging to say to you at the start of the year.🤗 At the farm, I took a small walk around the property, thinking about the past year...