✉️Newsletter: What do you think about my “52 books this year” challenge?

Message to the community from Mirka:

Dear Montessori colleagues and friends around the world, hello!

Has it ever happened to you that you wanted to do something for a long time, but you never got around to doing it? And then one day you made a decision, and suddenly things started happening like little miracles, confirming to you that your decision was right and the universe is on your side?

(Read on or listen to the video.)

Video version of the message

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So, at the beginning of this year, I decided to do something a bit crazy. 

I will read 52 books this year, I said to myself.

I had no idea when I could actually read one book a week, but I made up my mind that this is what I want for myself. 

One day after I made this decision, I talked with a colleague. And she said that she listens to audiobooks. Hm. Nothing too innovative, I am thinking to myself. I do not have much time to read. I do not have much time to listen to audiobooks

The question ‘when?’ remained.

And then, I am driving my car and I have a light bulb moment. Such an easy thing to do! I drive for three hours every day. Wow, I should listen to audiobooks in my car!

And so I did. And, it is nothing innovative. Of course, many people listen to audiobooks in their cars.

But, I never thought that this may be my way of reading that many books in one year, until I made the decision. It is mid-February and I am finishing my sixth book. There is a lot of good out there – no matter what we think, no matter the doubts we have.

We “just” need to decide what we want and allow ourselves to have it. 

With much love and care, Mirka Vlčková. 

(The decision to become a book devouring creature was inspired by my close friend and an esteemed Montessori colleague, Sue Pritzker, who did this challenge herself and she succeeded. Thank you, dear Sue! I hope our journey is as inspiring for you, as my dear friend Sue is for me.)

News and upcoming events:

FREE WEBINAR with our 0-3 AMI Trainer Heidi Philippart takes place this Saturday on how to build 0-3 environments (4pm Central European Time). You can register here. Come to be inspired by Heidi and refreshed in our Montessori community.

A mentoring group for people BUILDING SECOND LANGUAGE MONTESSORI PROGRAMS with Marikay McCabe is starting and here is how you can be part of it. 

Last but not least, as you may have noticed, I fell in love with making podcasts to share inspiring Montessori stories with you.  I am curious to receive feedback from you. And if you want, follow the podcast on Spotify. I am checking every day how many of you have listened and how many followers there are :).

Looking for schools for observation

We are looking for observation and teaching practice placements for our colleagues at the Bahrain Manama AMI Montessori Training Centre for twenty eight AMI Primary Diploma Course Students. There are very few AMI primary classrooms in that region and I promised to spread the word. If you are an AMI trained Primary guide/School anywhere in the world and you can host a fellow future Montessori colleague currently in AMI training in your class/school for two or three weeks for observation and teaching practice, kindly write Thana Jaberi, The Founding Director of Manama Montessori at admin@manamamontessori.org. What a beautiful training environment they have built!

I am sending you all warmest greetings from Prague and those of you who need it, I am also sending hugs. 

With much love, 

Mirka Vlčková

Of Montessori Institute Prague